Sunday, January 3, 2010

IMAGES- Abbrevations for life

An important signboard in daily life
Photo credits: Mrudvi Bakshi

What is it that makes images so significant in one’s life? Does one feel lost and isolated standing amidst probably nothing? Of course one would, and at the end it might just agitate them making them feel oblivious. To create representations of things in the world around is why we created pictures. Thus images, symbols, icons or whatever one would want to term it form a very distinct space in one’s life. “To paint an image you should know what it is”, it does not need to be real as abstractness can also lead to a splendid creation.

Imagine driving across a road signaling no sign boards, wouldn’t you feel that your nearing toward the dead end, hence understanding the importance of signboards becomes mandatory. One indeed feels stranded not knowing anything present to their north, south, east and west. Well, to me images are reproducing visions created substantially inside one’s head.

Here are certain symbols which make us or try to make us vigilant people. When we come across different sign board communicating different messages, have we ever thought about the reason behind their creation and what makes them to be shaped in that manner? Getting to the point why are stop signboards painted red in color, what is the difference between using a triangular board or a circular one, when all they do is guide us on the road.

To keep drivers vigilant
Photo credits: Mrudvi Bakshi

Triangles as a symbol of depiction are used for the reason that they are the most dynamic and active of all the shapes. As energetic objects they convey a sense of direction, the end result or a warning. Hence they are used for indicating what lies ahead for you. Circles on the other hand are also very important when it comes to symbols. Circles being appropriate in drawing the viewer’s attention, and know for giving direction they can overpower an image’s main message. Know to create rhythmic patterns circles are considered self-explanatory and hence highly used in all types of sign boards. Lines

are also said to be used for depicting figures in signboards as lines are used to represent objects with insignificant height and width. Talking about the colors used in the signboards, they are created for an individual’s attention and safety.

The color red is used for the reason being that it is the most noticeable color to the human eye. Red is known to have a longer wavelength and quicker recognition ability by the eye. Thus red is used for traffic signal lights, stop signs and other warning and attention getting purposes. Termed as a warm color, this attention grabbing color was and till date is considered a very intriguing substance.

Ali Haider, a driver by profession, says “I am thankful firstly to the tutors of my driving classes who made me signs literate. It would be really difficult for me to be a vigilant and a safe driver if I could not interpret these signboards around me.”

All one can say is that symbols are created not only to inform but also to make one conscious and aware about his/het whereabouts. It is created to notify and if taken in that way, it will do a great deal to one and all.

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